Personality Coach & Business Consultant

Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “FUNDAMENTALS”


Clean, professional work is based on a solid foundation.

So, we’ll first clarify important (technical) terms + relationships. This supports your orientation and will foster that you can better communicate and therefore get what you want.

In addition, we’ll also lay the future foundation of whole industries and of our society.

Which treasures may enrichen your life, too?

Defining TERMS

Words are the medium through which we exchange factual information. If this foundation is incorrect, everything else which is based on it, will be off-set, too.

Particularly in the field of personal & entrepreneurial development exist technical terms which you should understand and apply properly in order to make good decisions regarding providers, customers, employees, partners etc.

You’ll find the most important (technical) terms for your corporate and personal everyday life in this blog category. You’ll learn what they mean and how to consequently use them successfully.


Besides terms, intercorrelations are often not understood or confused, too. We’ll also examine all basic concepts in this category which are important for other blog categories.


Therefore, you’ll find all important terms and basic principles for a theme (blog category) in the category “fundamentals” AND in its according blog category ;-)

Enjoy and good luck with their implementation

Sebastian Hartwig

Coaching und Consulting

Bereits seit meiner Kindheit schreibe ich leidenschaftlich gerne Briefe (von HAND, natürlich!) und umfangreiche Arbeiten. Mit wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund, aber künstlerisch verpackt - die ultimative Symbiose!


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Alle Einträge
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “HELP”
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “MOTIVATION”
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category "LEADERSHIP"
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category "ENTREPRENEURSHIP"
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “PSYCHE & NATURE“
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “FUNDAMENTALS”
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