Personality Coach & Business Consultant

Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category "ENTREPRENEURSHIP"


Great entrepreneurship refers to your corporate AND private life 😉

There are three areas of entrepreneurship, while you always have a choice: You either work out what you offer by the consciousness about your personality (my approach of company formation) or you “just do it” and shape your personality with your services / products in the process.

Which treasures may enrichen your life, too?


Personal traits are the foundation for the motivation and actions of people. Therefore, the quality of endeavors strongly depends on how you deal with your self and others:

  • attitude
  • creativity
  • overview
  • leadership
  • readiness to assume risks
  • ability to work, in a team
  • crisis management
  • and much more

Products / Services

Products and services are the medium which transports our personal motivation. Their quality and how well it suits you determines which people take them how. Hence, we consider:

  • industry understanding
  • development / design
  • marketing

Shaping markets

Here, personality and products / services come together and impact markets, but are also shaped through them. That’s why entrepreneurs also need good knowledge of and feel for:

  • economic policy
  • social developments
  • themselves and others

Enioy and good luck with its implementation

P.S. This blog article will probably slightly change with upcoming blog articles as its entirety will only crystalize with future experience.

Sebastian Hartwig

Coaching und Consulting

Bereits seit meiner Kindheit schreibe ich leidenschaftlich gerne Briefe (von HAND, natürlich!) und umfangreiche Arbeiten. Mit wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund, aber künstlerisch verpackt - die ultimative Symbiose!


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Alle Einträge
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “HELP”
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Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category "LEADERSHIP"
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category "ENTREPRENEURSHIP"
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