Personality Coach & Business Consultant

Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “HELP”


People seeking for and offering help will learn everything about external psychic help here, esp. about psychotherapies and personality coaching. Yes, you read correctly, people seeking for AND offering help - after all, all of us can learn from each other.

Which treasures may enrichen your life, too?

Understanding fundamentals

You can evaluate the quality of external psychic help a lot more independently and confidently if you know how psychotherapies and personality coaching is constructed and works! The knowledge of chances & limitations of external psychic help comprises these topics:

  • What is professional help?
  • definitions
  • comparisons of psychotherapies + personality coaching
  • education
  • scientific fundamentals
  • procedures
  • and more


Professional psychic help is only as good as it suits your personality - which applies to people searching for and offering help as well ;-)

And for people seeking help in particular goes: you determine a lot more yourself than you may think or fear! There’s a reason the slogan of my psychotherapy counseling and company is called “YOU shape your psychotherapy” (the same applies to personality coaching, of course).

Here, you learn everything about TRULY PROFESSIONAL psychic help and how you find and shape it:

  • Which criteria characterize a good personality coach?
  • Which external help is the right one for me?
  • How or where do I find high quality external help?
  • How do I shape a successful collaboration with a personality coach / psychotherapist?
  • goals

Social issues

We’ll also discuss all aspects of external psychic help which concerning health care system and society:

  • quality control / improvement
  • impetus for health care systems
  • psychotherapies + personality coaching = friends, not enemies
  • shaping systems (tools which foster and demand search & offer)
  • notion toward external psychic help and other “philosophical” topics

Enioy and good luck with its implementation


P.S. This blog article will probably slightly change with upcoming blog articles as its entirety will only crystalize with future experience.

Sebastian Hartwig

Coaching und Consulting

Bereits seit meiner Kindheit schreibe ich leidenschaftlich gerne Briefe (von HAND, natürlich!) und umfangreiche Arbeiten. Mit wissenschaftlichem Hintergrund, aber künstlerisch verpackt - die ultimative Symbiose!


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Alle Einträge
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “HELP”
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “MOTIVATION”
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category "LEADERSHIP"
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category "ENTREPRENEURSHIP"
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “PSYCHE & NATURE“
Introduction: What you will learn in the BLOG category “FUNDAMENTALS”
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